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Ashley Blake
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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Join us for our Annual Campout for a Cause!


We  need you to be a blessing to families and neighbors in need this holiday season. It’s estimated that

over twenty nine thousand people in our area don’t know where their next meal is coming from…

That need is felt most at the Holidays. This year Cumulus Lake Charles Stations are partnering for

the Annual “Cumulus  Campout for a Cause”…Make your donations at Ashley Home Store on

Gerstner Memorial Boulevard. Your favorite radio personalities will be there…rain, sunshine , or cold…

Monday, November 19th through noon on Wednesday the 21st, you can bring your donations

of turkeys, hams, and non-perishables for your neighbors who need a hand. Your generosity, this

Thanksgiving, can make it brighter for other families…Cumulus Campout for a Cause is presented

by Ashley Home Store and supported by Cox Cox Filo Camel and Wilson Law Firm, P. V. Rentals,

K-Jon, Southwest Beverage, Go Auto Insurance, Market Basket and Cumulus Broadcasting.

Be a blessing this holiday, join us for the Cumulus Campout  For A Cause. Monday, November 19th

till noon, Wednesday November 21st at Ashley Home Store on Gerstner Memorial Boulevard.


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